The nearest town is Mananthavady, which is 15km away.

Calicut (CCJ) and Kannur (CNN) are the nearest airports both 3.5hrs from Mananthavady

Buses are available from Calicut and Kannur to Mananthavady. Airport taxi are also a choice

Kuruva can also be reached from Bangalore via Mysore. Mysore is almost 3hrs drive from Kuruva.

For those who prefer a bus Karnataka or Kerala Road Transport buses are available from Mysore and Bangalore to Mananthavady. If coming from Mysore via Tholpetty or Bavali one can get down at Kattikkulam which is almost 6km from Kuruva Island. Getting down at Kattikkulam is not preferred if reaching there after 7 PM since the town will be closed.